Thursday, January 8, 2009

A weeks worth of being sick and doing hair

(well sort of, I was sick and it was my first time. I still thought it was cute)
I am just having way to much fun with this hair website. I missed work this week because I was very sick, but I did manage to do a couple hair styles with the girls. These are not my ideas. They are all found on the hair blog. I also followed it to another website that sells hair bows for cheap (Believe me hair clips can run very pricey. Don't tell Greg I once spent $30 on a flower clip.). I got this cute flower in Payton's hair for $10. I also got butterflies for $4. Look it up. She has some cute stuff. You can check it out here.

By the way, has anybody else felt like this week has dragged on forever?! Isn't it Friday yet?!


Tara L. said...

This week has dragged. I have felt like it was Saturday for the past 2 days. Crazy! Cute hair dos. I should experiment more.

stylist to the stars said...

Nice job Michelle. They look great!

The Copelands said...

They are so cute! Maybe some day i'll have a kid so I can do that to my girls hair:)