Yesterday we were in the car and Madi said, "mommy, it will soon be Valentines Day and then it will be Easter. I guess we should go to the store tonight and buy some eggs so we can dye them." I explained that Easter is still a few months away and the eggs would go bad before Easter. She then said, "mom, the Easter Bunny doesn't know how to hide eggs very well (gee thanks). I can see the eggs when he hides them (isn't that the point when they are four and under)." I told her that maybe he would do a better job this year. She said, "I sure hope so."
Madison is always asking a hundred questions and she never misses anything. She asks me questions like "how do you know I was Cinderella for my second Halloween?" I tell her because I bought her the costume and put it on her. The questions are never ending. She tells me "remember when..." All the time. She remembers something I said to Greg a week ago on the phone. I think she doesn't listen, and she does. She never forgets anything. Last night at Family Home Evening we were talking about the sacrament. Madi and Payton would not sit still and I stopped reading from the children's Article of Faith book, told them to sit and listen because they needed to learn. Madi said, "Mom, I got it, the bread stands for Jesus' body and the water stands for his blood." I asked if she heard it at church (of course she couldn't possibly have heard me just read it while she is screaming and jumping on the coach). She said, "mom, I heard it from you two seconds ago, can we play our game now." OK, another reason I know she misses nothing.
Sorry, I know this is long, but one more Madi thing. On the way home from church Madi said she was going to get married in the temple when she grows up. I agreed with her. She then said, "Do I marry dad like you did?" I said no. She sat confused, then asked "do I marry Uncle James." I told her she would not marry a family member. I explained that as she gets older she will meet other men and marry someone we haven't even met yet. Payton then says "well, I am going to marry a girl." (Oh, Payton I certainly hope not.) I explained that girls marry boys.
Madison is always asking a hundred questions and she never misses anything. She asks me questions like "how do you know I was Cinderella for my second Halloween?" I tell her because I bought her the costume and put it on her. The questions are never ending. She tells me "remember when..." All the time. She remembers something I said to Greg a week ago on the phone. I think she doesn't listen, and she does. She never forgets anything. Last night at Family Home Evening we were talking about the sacrament. Madi and Payton would not sit still and I stopped reading from the children's Article of Faith book, told them to sit and listen because they needed to learn. Madi said, "Mom, I got it, the bread stands for Jesus' body and the water stands for his blood." I asked if she heard it at church (of course she couldn't possibly have heard me just read it while she is screaming and jumping on the coach). She said, "mom, I heard it from you two seconds ago, can we play our game now." OK, another reason I know she misses nothing.
Sorry, I know this is long, but one more Madi thing. On the way home from church Madi said she was going to get married in the temple when she grows up. I agreed with her. She then said, "Do I marry dad like you did?" I said no. She sat confused, then asked "do I marry Uncle James." I told her she would not marry a family member. I explained that as she gets older she will meet other men and marry someone we haven't even met yet. Payton then says "well, I am going to marry a girl." (Oh, Payton I certainly hope not.) I explained that girls marry boys.
You have to get that straight in Payton's head as soon as possible because soon they will be teaching it in schools all over the country. Ugh!
hahaha! So cute! I can't wait for Zoe to start talking more!
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