Sunday, December 5, 2010

Magical Forest

This past week Madison and I went to the Magical Forest at Opportunity Village with our first grade field trip. It was so much fun. The people gave the teachers two free tickets to go back and enjoy with our families. Papa Larry came to visit us this weekend, so we thought it would be a great thing to do with him. The lights and displays were beautiful!! (I wish I had a better camera to capture the lights, oh well.)

The Alpine slide:

We had a lot of fun on the slide, it took 30 minutes in line, for a 15 second slide, but we all had fun!

The Frosty mini golf:

Random pics:


We visited Mrs. Claus first!
Madi got to ask for a bike when we went to the field trip last Tuesday. Last night she said that Santa was not real and she was glad she wrote the real Santa a letter. She makes me laugh!

Walking through the Magical Forest:

Fireman squirrels
Cinderella in her carriage

The train:
The line for the train was an hour and a half wait. Greg and Larry stood in it while the girls and I went through the forest and saw Santa. By this time it was 9:30 and the girls were very tired. Larry and I held the girls for a short time.
The train was a lot of fun, but we were ready for bed and we were starving (hadn't eaten dinner and had only snacks since lunch).

What a fun night!! I would recommend that all my Vegas friends go to the Magical Forest!

Monday, November 29, 2010

Santa Messages for the girls

Santa's movie for the girls

Madison's Movie

Payton's Movie

Town Square and Ethel M's Cactus Gardens 2010

We went, on Saturday, to get our pictures with Santa Claus. We go to the Town Square Santa because he is the best. You get to go in his Norman Rockwell house and have a one-on-one visit with him. This year Mrs. Claus was with him and their dog (a puppet, yes it was a bit weird). Madi was disappointed after because she forgot to tell Santa she wanted a bike. She told him she wanted Toy Story 3. I told her that she wrote Santa a letter and I think Santa will remember, but she is still worried. I think I might need to bring her to Santa again, she does not believe me. She is really worried! I think it has to do with last year. The only thing Madison asked for was Sponge Bob bubble bath. (Santa had a very hard time choosing presents for her because he didn't know what to buy her.) But, Santa made a BIG mistake and picked up Sponge Bob body wash on accident. The one thing she asked for and Santa could not get it right. Well, she brought it up a few weeks ago that Santa makes mistakes and she really wants a bike this year. I am not quite sure I will live it down. Oh, well, it makes for a great story now, just a little nervous Madison! :)

They have this tall Christmas tree in the park, so I couldn't help taking pictures with it and I am so glad I did. I loved the pictures better then the ones with Santa. :)

That night we went with our friends the McHenry's to the Cactus Garden at Ethel M's chocolate factory. My camera died half way through, but I got some cute pictures. I was just disappointed that we did not get one with the family. Oh well! I love the holiday season and I am so grateful that we get to celebrate it with Greg this year!!

Madi took this picture!
Payton took this picture!

Halloween and November

Madison lost her first tooth!:
It is the bottom front tooth. We are still waiting on the top two to fall out. Her top ones have been loose for months now. She will not eat on them. It's quite hilarious watching her eat. She eats like a cow. Anna's Annual SEMA visit:
Emily, Maddox, Anna and Sterling came down and we hung out for a few days. Unfortunately Madi and Greg had strep throat so we spent the time at home or at the urgent care. We decided to make these cute turkey hand sugar cookies.

Pumpkin Patch:
Every year we go to the pumpkin patch. The girls had a lot of fun on the obstacles and slides.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Conference Weekend

One thing that I have discovered about myself is that I have to keep moving. I have a really hard time sitting still. I love listening to the prophet during conference!! But I have a tendency to fall asleep, so for the last year I have made a craft during conference so I can listen and feel the spirit. Last month when I was in Utah, my sister, Anna had a Martha Stewart magazine. I loved this idea and decided I was going to make them. Well, today was the day!! I love them!!

(I know the candy corn colors are wrong. Greg pointed it out to me when I was done. The funny thing is I was eating candy corn as I was making it!! The reason I made it this way was because in my head it makes since to go from lightest to darkest colors, unfortunately, the candy corn makers don't think the same way, oops!!)


Is it just me or is September the busiest month of the year? I know December is busy, but September seems to be even crazier. Oh well, I am just so glad it is over. A few good moments from this September are... Payton's birthday, finally getting a bed frame for my bed, seeing my sisters in Utah, and Greg being home to help with it all!!

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Summer 2010

In July Greg had to go to a training in Utah. My friend Megan's husband was also gone one weekend, so we decided last minute to make a trip to Sea World. It was a fun weekend.
The kids posing right in front of the park.
The kids were tired of walking so we had all of them sitting in the stroller. It was quite funny!
Madi begged for cotton candy all day, so we finally got them a bag.
The kids are soaked from the dolphin show. But still smile for the picture.
Madi's favorite thing at Sea World is the touch pool were she likes to pet the star fish.

What a fun day, but it ended on a sad note. That afternoon I got a call from Greg saying he was coming home because his grandmother had passed away. So that next day we drove home to meet Greg and then we turned around a few days later and headed to Idaho for the funeral. On the way we stopped in Utah and saw Emily and Scott. We went to the dinosaur museum in Thanksgiving Point.
Madi kissing the dinosaur.
The only picture I have of Emily. Greg loves to pull faces in pictures. (Nice one Greg).
This was a fun museum, the girls can't wait to go again some day.

The funeral was very nice. We had fun with Greg's family in Idaho Falls. We wish we could have met on different terms, but it was a great week.
A picture in front of the falls.

A few weeks later it was Megan's birthday. A few of us went to a resort on the strip and stayed up all night swimming, talking, eating and playing games. It was so much fun.
Megan with her birthday cake.

Every summer we get free passes to the Lied Children's Discovery Museum. The girls were excited to go, so the morning after Megan's party we went over there.
Payton in a bubble.
Payton blowing bubbles.
Madi fixing a car.

We spent a lot of time with Tara and Megan's kids this summer. Here we are at the pirate water park.
It is so sad that the summer is over, but it is a relief to be back to school and in a routine. Until next summer...