Sunday, January 4, 2009

The Girl's Hair Do

The girls have been throwing up and running fevers, Payton since yesterday morning and Madi since midnight. We stayed home from church because of it. I was looking at my friends blog and saw a connection to a Hair do's link. I clicked on it and found such wonderful hair designs for girls. The link is She does Hair. The lady does step by step instructions on what you do to the hair. The girls sat in a chair and watched a movie while I worked.

Madi was my first try. I think it turned out ok. After I finished I realized what I did wrong.
Payton's turned out better because she was my second try.
This is not a hair do that I can do during the work week. But, I can't wait to try it and others out on the weekend!


Megan Dougherty said...

Way Cute!!! I can't wait till Madelyn lets me curl her hair. You will have to show me how to do this. Sorry the girls were sick! Not fun!

Melanie said...

Oh man, that girls are still sick? I'm sorry! I checked out that hair website. I can't wait for Zoe to get old enough for me to do that!!!

Unknown said...

girl hair totally stress me out. i can never get it right.