Monday, October 27, 2008

Bella and Edward

So I thought I should write and apologize. I decided two weekends ago that I was going to read Twilight again before the movie comes out this next month. I read them so fast so long ago that all of the books are smeared together. I read Twilight in a 24 hour period. But I decided that I could not just read the one. I am now in the middle of Eclipse. I will write again when I am done. My life is work, do my responsibilities as a mother, stay up late reading, sleep a little and start over again. I will download all my fun Fall pictures soon.
Sorry! Off to Bella and Edward :)


Lafingkids said...

I've heard a lot about the Twilight series. We learned about it Arizona. The Pitkin girls talked Justin into reading it. Jordan has read it the most recently, and in fact she has lost count as to how many times she has read the first book (which Justin said was too mushy) and she has read the others 2 or 3 times. I just read the first book since Sunday. I agree with Justin that some parts were too mushy and some parts were very typical teenager, but overall it was a very interesting read. I can't wait to start the next book.

Lafingkids said...

Oh, and I am looking forward to the movie. Should be interesting to see how they mess things up :(

M-McClellan said...

I agree with you. On both topics. But, I can't help but love the books. I am also interested in the movie. I plan on going. I am trying not to expect to much. I already don't like who they have chosen as Edward's character.

Logan Family said...

I don't think I want to see the movie until it comes out on RedBox. They are always just so disappointing. I read the first book over a year and half ago, so I don't even remember what happened, but we'll see. Tell me how it is after you see it!